# 69 •OCTOBER 5 , 2015
Islands are the ideal vacation setting. Numerous
beaches and tiny harbors
define the coast of Ponza
alone: the most famous is
Chiaia di Luna, marked by
abundant sand and rocky
bluffs in ethereal tones of
white, yellow and, almost
as if reflecting the sea, a
rare blue-green. Not to be
forgotten is the beach of
Lucia Rosa, where seaside revelers and romantics
flock to watch the sunset;
Fèola Cove, with its natural shallow pools; and
Frontone Beach, happening spot that many reach
in the smallest of boats to
enjoy early-evening aperitivo.
lian ferry-boat, the Santa
Lucia, bombarded by an
English torpedo-bomber
stationed near Ventotene
in 1943.
Ventotene is another little
gem in its own right; it features very little development – just a few houses
hugging the port – and an
ancient past as an island
of exile: for Roman Imperial families and even opponents of Fascism that,
while on Ventotene, were
constructing and advocating what would eventually contribute to our concept of Modern Europe.
Ventotene, in conjunction
with the Island of Santo
Stefano, is also a lovely
With not only beaches to nature reserve (as is Paloffer, the Pontine Islands marola) and a Marine Prohold much more under tected Area.
the surface: marine landscapes at which scuba di- For its spectacular coast
vers and snorkelers will and natural characteristiabsolutely marvel. They cs, Palmarola is thought
will find an underwater to be one of the most beisthmus connecting Ponza autiful islands in the entire
to its neighboring isle of world. Add to the mix the
Zannone, and deep and typical homes dug into
variegated seabeds bea- the rock and a charming
ring such relics as ancient little restaurant on the beRoman ships and sunken ach, and nobody could diWorld War II steamship sagree!
wildliAmong them is the Ita- fe also sprawls over Zan-
none, the southernmost
island in the chain, a piece
of the National Park of Circeo since 1979. Uninhabited, it was once the seat
of a Cistercian monastery
whose vestiges remain.
Finally, the
Island of Gavi (2300 ft x
1,150 ft), completely devoid of beaches, proffers
up its giant boulders alone; they dot the jagged
coast, to accompany Gavi’s only grotto, the Grottone di Gavi.
Just one piece of advice for those day-tripping
here: as soon as you disembark, make a reservation at one of the local
trattorias or restaurants.
That way you'll be sure to
have a spot at the table to
enjoy the Pontine culinary
tradition, one of the oldest
and most flavorful, mixing
Roman cooking with typical seaside cuisine.