# 69 • OCTOBER 5 , 2015
The Pontines make up an
archipelago: individually they are Gavi, Zannone, Palmarola, Ventotene,
Santo Stefano and, the
first among equals, Ponza, from which the island
chain takes its name. Of
course these magnificent
isles boast a well-developed touristic structure,
but it is really the sea, the
nature, and the landscape
that attract visitors most.
Ponza is the most frequented of the islands – a mere
3.1 square miles of terrain,
it is a concentration of
both rocky and sandy beaches, natural arches, faraglioni or sea-stacks, pristine waters, romantic coves
and landfalls for mooring,
and magnificent, hilly scenery.
But it is also concentrations of tiny, rambling streets, artisan workshops and
typical restaurants and cafes buzzing with tourists
each evening. Some houses sport slightly-barrel
vaulted roofs and some sit
right on the port and shine like the sun with their
bright, pastel colors.
Upon coming here, any
sea lover immediately understands that the Pontine