# 63 • June 28 , 2015
stly short and medium-length
films, including works from authors such as Valerio Zurlini. As
previously, also this year there
is the recurring section devoted to classic American movies: after retrospectives about
the great Howard Hawks and
the less famous William Wellman, this year is the turn of
Leo McCarey, author of fundamental comedies such as
“The Awful Truth” or “The War
Duck Soup”. An opportunity to
rediscover, even with its lesser-known films, an important Both for viewers and for schoprotagonist of the classical lars and film historians, the
American cinema.
most fascinating moments
will be those in the evenings,
The program is rich and varied characterized by a fascination
and offers dishes for every ta- that goes beyond the cinema
ste: from the more conceptual experts: the projection, outdoand niche work to the little-k- ors, of a classic movie in the
nown and remote genre film. beautiful setting of the meIt is important to emphasize, dieval Piazza Maggiore, in the
however, that the program center of the city. As an Italian
has its own
method: it is
not a melting
everything is
done without
a basic coherence. Indeed,
each section
is created on
a clear approach based on
study and research. Fundamental for
the essence of
the event are
restoration activities
by the Cineteca di Bologna, a global
player in the
recovery and
restoration of
old films: for
example, they
meticulously worked on the classic, this year it is the turn of
comedy of Charlie Chaplin a masterpiece by Luchino Viand on the film of Buster Ke- sconti: “Rocco e i suoi fratelli”
aton, the prophet of comedy. (Rocco and his brothers).
These works will be presented,
as main course, in this year's