We the Italians December 14, 2015 - 74 | Page 39

th # 74 •DECEmBER 14 , 2015 ments of the golden beaches and Monte Sant’Elia, Palmi (Reggio Calabria ProEver further south, opposite the mythic vince) is a significant attraction due to its Stromboli, is the Promontory of Capo Va- archaeological finds dating back to the ticano, considered to be one of the wor- Neolithic period. ld’s best beaches. From history to nature and back again: The seabeds, rich with life, and the bays, Bagnara Calabra nestles within the hilly like that of Grotticella, are nature’s gifts cliffs jutting over the water, and embedto Capo Vaticano, and to those that seek ded among the vineyards. From here, a charming panorama of the Aeolians and it out. Strait of Messina calls out to those fortunate to stand on these cliffs. Still, it is Costa Viola really Scilla that can lay claim to the best The Violet Coast is the point most south view in all of Italy. Both Homer and Viron Calabria’s Tyrrhenian Riviera, and its gil introduced this little fishing village sea is deep and assumes, at certain ti- to the world, and tourists flock here tomes of the day, a fascinating violet color. day to observe, of all things, the unique Beyond the uncontaminated environ- method of fishing for swordfish! reputation. WE THE ITALIANS | 39 www.wetheitalians.com