We the Italians December 14, 2015 - 74 | Page 25

th # 74 •DECEmBER 14 , 2015 following years, Spinelli is also co-founder of the Union of European Federalists, member of the European Commission from 1970 to 1976, then of the Italian Parliament in 1976, and then of the first European Parliament elected by universal suffrage in 1979. ked federal characteristics, adopted by the European Parliament in 1984. This project significantly affects the first attempt of a profound revision of the treaties establishing the EEC and Euratom. As one of the main political actors on the European stage, Spinelli remains He also is promoter of a member of the European draft Treaty establishing a Parliament for ten years. European Union with mar- He dies in Rome on May 23, 1986. Even today, his vision of Europe, his idea of integration of the different European peoples, the substance of his democratic design are a constant inspiration to all those who believe and work for a Europe united and at the same time protagonist in an international context which is both complex and precarious. WE THE ITALIANS | 25 www.wetheitalians.com