# 74 •nECEMBER 14 , 2015
Europe), better known as by the European people
“Manifesto di Ventotene”. and a democratic government with real power in
previous some key areas such as
“Pan-Europa” written by economy and foreign poKalergi in 1922, which cal- licy.
led for an EU led by a technocratic government, For these reasons, Spinelthe “Manifesto di Ventote- li’s manifesto is considered
ne” is the first official do- one of the founding texts
cument that anticipates of the European Union.
the need for the creation Spinelli is released from
of a European Federation confinement in Ventotene
with a European Parlia- after the arrest of Benito
ment universally elected Mussolini, in August 1943.
Analyzing the European
catastrophe that brought
to WW2, Spinelli gains the
belief that only a federal
organization could bring
back Europe as a positive
protagonist in the international framework. To serve this conviction, in 1943
Spinelli doesn’t found a
party, but a movement
transverse to the political
parties: the European Federalist Movement. In the