WE-BE has taken up the challenge, and has committed to supporting
Katie, a girl mother, who will return to teacher's college in 2014 for a
two-year program. Joanne met Katie, her daughter Joy, and her family in
November, and requested that we consider sponsoring this very
deserving young woman. We hope this will be the first of many such
opportunities for WE-BE to give a supportive hand-up across the world,
thanks to your contributions to our causes.
Here, briefly, is Katie's story.
Katie comes from a very rural area where few girls have the opportunity
to even go to secondary school, much less college. Katie was raised by
her grandmother, as it is customary in Maasai culture for a grandchild to
be sent to live her grandmother in order to help with home chores and
keep her company. Katie’s grandmother did not have the means to keep
her in school beyond her free primary school years, but because of
strong academic performance in primary school, she was granted a
scholarship to attend secondary school. There, she continued to do well,
and was accepted into teacher's college. Unfortunately, near the end of
first year, she lear