Katie and her daughter are now back at home with her parents and six
siblings. She is fortunate in that she is not facing strong pressure to get
married and to set aside the notion of completing school. Her family
understands the value of Katie continuing with her education, but they
simply do not have the means to pay school fees for all of their children,
especially at college level. Being able to complete college and start
teaching will allow Katie to make a better life for herself, her daughter,
AND the rest of her family. As a Maasai teacher, she will also serve as a
wonderful role model to other young Maasai women.
WE-BE's financial support will not only cover Katie's school fees, but also
the various 'extra' costs of attending college in Tanzania...a mattress,
school uniform, shoes, school and personal supplies, as well as
transportation to-and-from home during school breaks. It will also ensure
that Sauti Moja staff can continue to monitor Joy's progress while her
mom's back in full-time school, away from home.
WE-BE is delighted to give Katie a well-deserved second-chance at
completing her education and creating a bright new future for herself and
her daughter! WE-BE sure she is going to do her very best to succeed!!
If you are interested in supporting the “Girl-Mother Program’, please send
us your donation and we will pass it on or you can go direct http://
sautimoja.org/Donations.html Please let them know that you are a WE-BE
Magazine supporter, they Love the WE-BE clan!