We Are Venice Magazine: 4th Edition by BGCV BGCV Magazine | Page 45
Sailing Program charts new waters
his summer, Boys & Girls Clubs
of Venice (BGCV) had an excit-
ing opportunity to partner with
Los Angeles County Supervisor
Mark Ridley-Thomas to expand
our Sailing Program. For five
weeks 180 members from across
Los Angeles had this life-chang-
ing experience with the program. For
most this was is a first-time sailing ex-
perience and provided a unique op-
portunity to enjoy the beautiful
waterways of Marina Del Rey and en-
gage in team water activities.
For the first time, youth members
hailed from seven different Boys &
Girls Clubs’ sites from all over Los
Angeles County: Venice, South Bay,
Watts/Willowbrook, Nickerson Gar-
dens, Challengers, Burbank and West
Valley. Through the Supervisor Rid-
ley-Thomas’ grant, BGCV was able
to provide transportation or stipends
to all these sites to make it possible
for them to participate. Marina Del
Rey waterways and boats provided by
the Los Angeles Sheriff ’s Department
ensured that each youth gained in-
Boys & Girls Clubs of Venice
sight and application to the: Intro-
duction to Sailing; Water Safety;
Nomenclature; Ocean Conservancy;
and Stewardship.
Based on their post-surveys, par-
ticipants shared that the program has
ignited and increased their interest in
sailing. A majority of the youth now
define themselves as advocates for sail-
ing and mentors, and many who had
peers who did not attend will encour-
age them to participate in the future.
Leadership, teamwork and unique ex-
periences on the waterways of Marina
Del Rey placed the BGCV Sailing
Program as the highlight of summer
fun for all of the youth attendees.
This collaborative Sailing Program
with Supervisor Ridley-Thomas was
full of exciting moments and became
the anchor for the at-risk youth to
reach beyond their fears to embrace
new experiences with new wind be-
neath their wings. We encourage
Clubs throughout the Los Angeles
County area to encourage their youth
attendees to sign-up early for the 2018
Sailing Program.