WCC magazine 2018 | Page 4

or me, a highlight of the year has been the development of our junior inquiry based learning (IBL) classes. After a difficult start, from Term 2 we were able to focus and refine our learning about IBL. I am immensely thankful to those staff and students who participated in the IBL classes. I'd also like to thank parents and caregivers for their support as we have begun to undertake this exciting journey. Next year, we will continue to develop and expand this approach to teaching and learning.

Another area of growth for us has been the increased engagement of staff and students with digital technologies. More and more, we are seeing these technologies being used as tools for learning. I look forward to seeing this trend continue in 2019, as we introduce the Canvas Learning Management System. This LMS should make it easier than ever for whanau to keep in touch with their child's learning.

It has been my privilege to show a number of people around the school this year. I am always proud to do this, because I know that in any class I walk into, there will be high levels of student engagement, as well as a generally positive atmosphere. Indeed, this is something that we can all be proud of!

I would like to thank all of our staff for their hard work, both inside and outside of the classroom. Our students certainly benefit from the huge amount of opportunities offered by our caring staff. We

have quality people here at Whanganui City College, not only on the teaching staff, but also working behind the scenes in the Student Centre, the Office, the Library and in the grounds.

Finally, a huge thanks goes to our relief teachers, without whom we would not be able to operate things like school trips and sports, or professional development for staff. I have appreciated your commitment to our kura, as well as your flexibility and aroha for our students.

I hope you all have a safe and restful summer break, and I look forward to continuing our journey together in 2019.

he year that was 2018

What a year it has been. We have had lots of happy times and some very sad ones. Lots of laughter, groans and tears but as we finish things up for the year and I try to tidy my very messy desk, I can’t help but reflect with pride on the achievements of our students.

Every year at our leavers’ dinner, a place mat is put together of the Year 13 students as Year 9s. Everyone laughs at how they have changed, the ones who have left us and where they are now and how things have changed in the five years they have been at WCC. The beauty of a school our size is that as teachers, we get to know everyone. Every success is our success and every failure ours. This year is also special because it is five years since we set up our whanau classes, so this group of year 13s might have been with the same teacher for five years.

There are a number of highlights for me this year. Mike King’s visit, where we were able to showcase our fantastic kids

and school to the country with a hopeful, yet serious message. The success of Aotea Empire who have continued to shine nationally and our continually climbing achievement rates are things that stand out for me but there are so many other events, students and staff that make everyday interesting and different.

Please have a safe summer holiday with your whanau. Remember to be kind to people and help in your community wherever you can.

val rooderkerk

des lynch