Whitley Bay Cricket Club – Player Handbook 2014
employ members (though not for playing) and remunerate them for providing goods
and services, on fair terms set by the Committee without the person concerned
being present;
pay for reasonable hospitality for visiting teams and guests;
indemnify the Committee and members acting properly in the course of the
running of the Club against any liability incurred in the proper running of the Club
(but only to the extent of its assets).
The Committee will have due regard to the law on disability discrimination and child
a. The Club shall be open from 10am to 12 midnight.
b. The General Committee shall have the power to fix permitted hours for the supply of
intoxicants in the Club in accordance with Section 62 of the Licensing Act, 1964, and
from time to time to alter the hours as fixed provided that:
i. The hours fixed shall not on any day be longer , nor begin earlier or end
later, than the general licensing hours for the time being in force for the
district in which the Club is situate; and
ii. On Sundays, Christmas Day and Good Friday, there shall be a break in the
afternoon which shall include the hours from three to five, and there shall
be not more than three and a