Waypoint Insurance - Risk & Business Magazine Waypoint Insurance Magazine Winter 2017 | Página 6

WAYPOINT NEWS & EVENTS WAYPOINT STUDENT BURSARY WAYPOINT SUPPORTS YOU ARE NOT ALONE (YANA) Neesja Leger of the Waypoint Insurance Courtenay branch registers year after year for the YANA Ride for 2 reasons. The first is to support YANA – it is an amazing organization that has supported so many local families in the Comox Valley. The second is for the intense challenge it provides. The longest route is 100km which she completed in 2016. Neesja was also a top 5 fundraiser for this event with support of her Waypoint coworkers. Waypoint also provides the insurance for the event for free annually. YANA is a non-profit society, founded in 1986, that provides accommodation and funding to Comox Valley families who need to travel outside of their community for medical treatment for children under 19 years old or for pregnant mothers. They maintain four fully furnished apartments within walking distance of Children’s Hospital in Vancouver. 6 CARLY GUNTER MADELINE MCNAMEE TROY MACDONALD This year marked the 10th consecutive year of the Waypoint Student Bursary. Waypoint annually awards two education bursaries to children of Waypoint employees enrolled in post-secondary education. These young adults demonstrate strong career aspirations, goals, and stellar academic records. This year Waypoint had so many amazing applications, bursaries were provided to 4 deserving students: Carly Gunter, Madeline McNamee, Troy Macdonald, and Liam Lowrey CONTACT US! 310-8442 waypointinsurance.com [email protected]