J . MADERA thenerd�basement . �om �thenerd�basement thenerd�basement �nerd��basement
�G� 32
GR�W �P IN Paterson �I��� IN P�erto R�coand Lod� ��RR�N����I��SIN Cl��ton
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����RI�������WS Thereare �lentythatI�ee� �� w�th on ada�ly �as�s . On Tw�tter , I�m constantlywatch�n� �or @ d�sc�ss�n��lm . Thato�tlet and teamdoone hec� o� ajo� at �ro��d�n� the latest news and ��datesatl��htn�n� s�eed . Ialsoenjoy @ newroc�starsonYo�T��e�or the�r theor�es and �rea�down��deocontent .
����R��SPIR��I�NS To �ecome a��ll-t�me content creator / �nternet jo�rnal�st thro��h The Nerdy Basement . O�ts�de o� that , Iamc�rrentlywor��n� on �ett�n� the �ro�er �a�erwor� done to o�en �� an o�c�al Nerdy Basement sho� whereo�r readersand other �o� c�lt�renerds can��rchase the�r collect��les , merch , and com�cs . Iamalsotry�n� to wr�te a�ew com�c �oo�s and some short stor�es , so I��e �een do�n�aton o� read�n� and research to �etthose stor�es wr�tten w�th�n the ne�t year or two . And the most �ar-�etched as��rat�on thatIha�e�s�o�ceact�n� . It�s someth�n� I��e wanted to do s�nce Iwas al�ttle��d , and �t�sone o� the ma�n reasons Ienjoythe an�mat�on med��m as m�ch as Id�d and c�rrentlyst�lldo .
�SS�N�I�� R���ING A�ew o� O��y Madera�s �a�or�tes �rom h�s enormo�s com�c �oo� collect�on �eat�r�n� Batman , S��der-Man , Moon Kn��ht and more .
W�e�e��y�� ge�y��� ne�� ����� Nerdy Basement gets our news directly from the source . Ninety percent of it comes directly from the studios we have built connections with via press releases and interviews . The other 10� comes from Hollywood trades like �ariet� , �ead�ine , ��e �rap , or ��e �o���wood �eporter .
W�a�i�y��� �a���i�e��ing �� ���e�� Reporting news is definitely my favorite thing to do and cover on The Nerdy Basement , no matter the genre or medium . Being able to provide information to people is something Ien�oyed doing for about seven years before Iofficially founded The Nerdy Basement . It ’ s the main reason The Nerdy Basement was created . Iwanted tohave a dedicated space toprovide that information rather than having it on my personal social media pages . Idoen�oy reviewing things and conducting interviews , but reporting is my go-to .
�e�� �e a���� The Nerdy Basement Podcast an� i�� ��in���� ��e �erd� �a�ement �odca�t is where we break down all the news we reported on our social media pages and website . This is away for us to �ust kick back for afew hours and theorize or react to the news we were reporting throughout the week . We would then cap that episode off with areview of arecent T� show or film we had �ust seen .
@ waynemagazine WAYNE MAGAZINE SPRING 2023