Just like the Batcave , The Nerdy Basement head�uartersise�uipped with the latest tech and filled with mystery . But unlike Bruce Wayne ,
�zzy Madera ’ s goal is to share those secrets with the world .
Madera turned his lifelong obsession with all things pop culture into more than a hobby when he started posting entertainment
W�en �i� y��ge� in����� ������e�
Igot into pop culture at avery young age , when Iwas 5or�years old . Iwas heavily into �ower �anger� and WWF
( now WWE ). As Igot older , and this is going back tomyyears in Puerto
Rico , Igot into anime . Iwould watch
�ragon �a�� � and �o�emon dubbed in Spanish every day after school . It ’ s
�uite hilarious looking back onit , but those Spanish dubs do have aspecial place in my heart now and definitely helped pave the
news from the basement of his Paterson home in 201� .“ The Nerdy Basement consists of anews and media website , social media platform , and podcasts ,” he says .“ Every single day , we cover the latest news , trailers , and updates in the entertainment industry .”
Madera ’ sorigin story begins in Paterson , where he was born and raised . At the age of � , he moved to Puerto Rico , where helived for three years until returning to the United States . Hespent time in Lodi and Paterson again before finally settling in Clifton . He currently splits his energies between breaking entertainment news and his day �ob as a senior customer service representative . “ It ’ sabit overwhelming at times , but I ’ ve found anice pace and have been able to better handle it ,” hesays .
Madera hopes to keep building The Nerdy Basement �which currently consists of six contributors , including co-editor-in-chief Edward Pagan � to the point where hecan become afull-time content creator and internet �ournalist . In the meantime , heisworking on opening an official Nerdy Basement shop and writing original comic books and short stories .
way for me to become the anime fanatic Iam .
�nce Imoved back to the United States , Igot into the more mainstream stuff like �atman� ��e �nimated �erie� , ���en , �pider��an and �u�tice �eague �n�imited . Igot into more anime and explored older anime genres during the wee hours of the night on Adult Swim when they aired things like �ow�o� �e�op , �u �u �a�u��o , and �nu�a��a . That continued when Toonami was brought into the weekday broadcast .
As for comics , Ican ’ t �uite recall how Igot into them . Iused toread aton of �oo�e�ump� , and that was all that Iwould read growing up until Irandomly came across the �pider��an� �irt� of �enom graphic novel . Idon ’ t recall how it ended up in my possession , but it did , and Istill have it now . It ’ sthe very first comic book material Iever owned . After that , Ididn ’ t start reading and actually collecting comic books until 2010-2011 , �ust at the start of the launch of �C ’ sNew 52 . It took me alittle while longer to fully get into the Marvel stuff again , but once Idid , the �oodgates were opened and Inow own nearly 2,000 comic books .