Dear Ms. Schwartz,
n June 15, 2018 I arrived at
the Chilton Medical Center
Emergency Room for what I
perceived to be a bout of “food poison-
ing”. We met Dr. Eric Perez who calm-
ly talked, listened and asked questions
about how I was feeling. Thanks to his
excellent diagnosis skills, I learned that
I needed an emergency aortic aneurysm
repair. This being a life-threatening
event, Dr. Perez and the Chilton staff,
acted quickly to arrange for my emer-
gency transportation to Morristown
Medical Center and insure that a car-
diac surgeon familiar with aortic
aneurysm repair would be available for
the surgery. Dr. Marek Polomsky and
his team were totally prepared at 3 a.m.
when I arrived at Morristown Medical
Center and performed a life-saving sur-
gery, which enables me to write this let-
ter of appreciation.
I would be remiss in not recogniz-
ing the staff at Chilton and Morristown
Medical Centers for their highly profes-
sional care during my stay at their hos-
pitals. The care and concern exhibited
by each and every one of them made
an extremely difficult surgery and
recovery tolerable.
Dear Dr. Conn,
his letter is to express my grati-
tude to you for the surgery you
performed on me this year at
Chilton Medical Center. I realize that
many of the surgeries you perform are
a lot more serious and involved than
the removal of a basal cell on the face.
However, I was treated with the utmost
care by you, as well as all the nurses
who were assigned to me. You
explained every step of the way and
gave careful attention to every detail
which made me feel a lot less anxious.
You are not only a skilled surgeon,
but a kind human being, which is just
what every patient would hope for in a
doctor. Chilton Medical Center is for-
tunate to have you on their staff.
Thank you again,
wanted to take a moment to person-
ally thank Alberta, RN; Mary S. RN;
Mamoza RN; Michele RN and
Killian PCT in 4 East for their sense of
urgency, professionalism, expertise and
My mother was admitted through the
ER and is 85 years old. In addition to
her medical issues she suffers from
depression and severe anxiety. I am an
only child and the primary caregiver for
her. There is no one else, just me to take
care of her. These professionals took care
of my mother since she arrived and have
provided SUPERIOR service and OUT-
STANDING support to both my moth-
er and me. They went above and beyond
to take EXCELLENT care of my mother
and keep her calm in addition to fre-
quently visiting her room to ensure all
her medical needs were being met.
It is difficult to be at the hospital for
the entire time when you work full time,
and wonderful and comforting to know
that during the time I could not be
there, my mother was with professionals
who I could trust.
I am truly grateful and appreciative
for all that they did during this very
stressful time. It is comforting to know
that your hospital has what I would like
to refer to as guardian angels to watch
over our loved ones.
My family and I extend our sincere
gratitude for the competence, profes-
sionalism and medical care extended to
me by the physicians, nurses and staff
at both Chilton Medical Center and
Morristown Medical Center.
Gary F.
To Whom It
May Concern,
Dr. Michael Conn
Again, I would like to thank these
very special people for being so AMAZ-
ING during my mother’s stay at the hos-
pital. We will never forget them and con-
sider them an extension of our family.
Chilton Medical Center is very
blessed to have them!
Chilton Magazine holiday 2018