We welcomed back Zackili and Gideonn
to the kin and caught them up on what
has been happening in the kin as they
had been away for a while.
Witch Kings” to other servers. We have
started with the Imladris server. Please
take some time and create or take an alt
to that server so we can keep the kin going and support Seth who is the leader.
Vol. 1 No. 1
Imladris server and invite you. However
the main kin will remain on Firefoot.
We have a magazine and we need material. We need pictures, videos, articles,
Dama then opened the floor to the Tech
and stories. The pictures can be any in
Team. It was noted that we have a new
Dama mentioned that he has been pro- game picture. It could just have a title
magazine at http://joom.ag/fsjx. We
moting ‘thealliance” channel on GLFF.
or a short description. We need articles
need submissions from the kin such as
on anything you find would be helpful or
articles, stories, videos and pictures so
We then proceed to kin rolls. Many great interesting on the game.
we can fill it up.
prizes were given away. Please attend so
you can get in on the rolls.
You could write about the changes in
We have dedicated a page to thealliyour class and what you like or dislike
ance. We have also dedicated a page to This was then followed by a practice and about it. You could write a descripWulfdragon. He has over 100 alts and is parade through Bree.
tion on how to do a raid, mine turbine
the master of mining Turbine Points. All
points, or how to do a certain area or
of this will be included on the page.
The meeting was dismissed at 6:01 PST, deed. You could do a video about any
9:01 EST.
area or anything that you have done
Drewkiorski is working on article on the
that would be interesting in the game.
changes in the classes since Helms Deep
Officers Meeting 11/27/13
Please submit them to the kin email:
was launched.
[email protected].
Attending: 11
If anyone wants to help with the magaCall to Order- 5:08 PST, 8:00 EST
Daniyel the leader of the Warriors of the
zine we need typers, writers, and video
World one of our alliances was present
makers. If you are interested please con- We have a new kin on the Imladris serv- to learn from out kin. He needs help
tact Sossity. If you have anything to sub- er. We have enough kin to make it perbolstering his kin. We would like memmit please send it to thewitchkingskin@ manent. This is an effort to expand and bers to take alts to his kin to help. It is
gmail.com. Please make sure it is under promote our kin. It is also to be able to his intention to learn how a large family
10M because that is all gmail allows.
mine Turbine Points. Anyone interested kin works from us.
in joining can contact one of the offiIt was noted that we are expanding “The cers and they will be happy to go to the Sossity did research on how active our
5 WayBound