Vol. 1 No. 1
Things Get Accomplished • Meeting
Officers Meeting Nov. 19, 2013
Attending: 8
Call to order 5:02 PST, 8:02 EST
Minutes of the Last Two Weeks
give tips to anyone about taking them.
His first tip was to take a lot of them
(one right after another) so that you can
get at least one really good shot.
Seth mentioned that she has started a
new kin “The Witch Kings” on the Imladris server. We all promised to get over
Sossity was asked to talk about the new to it and create new alts to help her to
The meeting was ended at 5:48 PST, 8:48
magazine. http://joom.ag/fsjx. It is very keep it going. Please go to Imladris and
easy to use. The pages can be turned like create a new alt or add one you already
a real magazine. It’s about having fun.
have to the new Witch Kings Kin. You
All Kin Meeting Nov. 23, 13
He would like people to write articles,
can ask Sossity, Seth, Damaram or Sunstories and summit pictures taken online driele for an invite.
Attending: 7 Kin, 3 visitors from other
or videos. The more we have the better.
We have voted to include a page for our We would like to have an awesome vid- The meeting was called to order at 5:09
alliances. This was started to enhance
eo so we invite everyone to look around PST, 8:09 EST
part of the website.
utube and the web for great videos especially those showing how to play the
Dama invited any one from Thealliance
Our liaison from our alliance, Drewskiori, game especially raids etc. We are always to come to the meeting. We have 3 atmentioned the website needs someinterest in the different ways the game is tending.
thing interactive. We spent a little time
played. Please summit them to the new
catching him up on the current state of
kin email address thewitchkingskin@
Dama open the floor to the kin. He
the kin as he had been away for a year.
asked if there was anything we can do
It was noted that the following day
better or we can help with. There was
Helms Deep would be released and that Rotashun mentioned that his hobby is
no response.
we needed to get together to compare
taking in game pictures and is willing to
WayBound 4