Waybound WayBound Volume 1 Number 1 | Page 44

: E T A Vol. 1 No. 1 D P U I mladris, the new frontier. New stomping grounds for The Witch Kings, and an opportunity to have the kinship close by as you venture out into Middle Earths many servers to harvest Turbine Points, Gold, Gear, and other good stuff. Imladris is a sparsely populated server, and from initial interaction with the regulars there, a rather nice place. We found many who welcomed our expansion to their world with open arms, some stating that it was cool a large kin was coming to a world where most kinships are dwindling. The prices on some items are steep in the auction house, while others are comparable WayBound 44 to what we’re used to seeing on Firefoot. For example: On FF, 100 logs of Walnut currently ranges in the 4 to 10 gold range, where on Imladris, you’d be pay ing 11 to 15 gold. Conversely, an Eorlingas Fire Oil Recipe on FF runs about 2 gold, whereas on Imladris, the price is a reasonable 250 silver. To join The Witch Kings on Imladris, create a character (unless you already have one there) and finish the basic training, then contact one of the officers listed below. We encourage all members who are inclined to create a character on the Imladris server, and join us there. The stronger we become, the clearer our message of helping others comes through. Currently, we have 12 members, and we’re at rank 4. Our goal is to eventually have our kinhouse and rank 10. Nictra Comegetsomedragon Thadhrephor Sundriele Damaram Darboo Sossity Extellianth Drewskitankski Zebula Shandelar Miniroff