Waybound WayBound Volume 1 Number 1 | Page 32

Vol. 1 No. 1 2- Launch the Solo/Duo version of Helm’s Dike. The Vanguard Engineers play a crucial role in the Epic Battles. An Engineer deals ranged The Vanguard focuses on directly engagdamage to seige weapons and squad ing the enemy before them. As you kill ‘Before’ you click on any npc to bemaneuvers agaist the advancing orc enemies you gain access to new skill and gin the battle ‘’walk around and look! war machine, as well as provides crowd abilities to unleash powerful area based You will find NPCs explaining a number control through the use of barricades, effects and damage. When you fall in of different functions of battles. traps, ladder and grappling hook removbattle those around you will be inspired al. Additionally, the Engineer will provide by your loss and fight harder. One NPC explains how you will be seeing repair support on banners and even go ladders over the course of the night and toe to toe with the enemy. Engineers The Officer this is how you deal with them. You can need too be mobile in order to perform The Officer focuses on directing then click on and kick the ladder away. their duties as the battle progresses. and supporting the Rohirrim in battle. You can issue orders to tell the defendThere are a number of similar little exThe following material comes from planations scattered about, which relate ers to heal, boost their damage, change PKCrichton, a regular contributor to the their target priority or swap stances. to the “side quests” you will encounter LotRO forums, and is a great intro to the as the battle progresses. Engineer. (Link here) Officers also gain the ability to place banners that can aid nearby engineers The Engineer The role of the engineer varies based on and vanguards. As you trait deeper the the battle you are in. In some of the inThe Engineer focuses on utilizing interpower of your commands increase and stances you will have multiple roles that actives and siege equipment within the their cooldown decreases. you need to fill. The general roles of the space to defeat their enemy. The majorEngineer are as follows. ity of his promotions focus on improving Focus: The Engineer the efficiency with which he performs Rank 0 his actions and unlocking new options And now to delve into the Engineer. for utilizing and upgrading siege weapBarricade Setup and Maintenance. Please note that there will be some links In most instances the barricades will onry. to video walkthroughs near the end, as not have been set up. You will need to well as a couple others related to Epic Engineers also gain the ability to place either pick up a crate to place it or you Battles, Trait Trees, and so on. a variety of traps that can damage or will see a red outline of a barricade that hinder your opponents. needs to be built. When you are plac- WayBound 32