Waxhaw Happenings Waxhaw Happenings December 2017 | Page 9
The Town of Waxhaw believes that all its’ citizens have the right to participate in making town
decisions. If you would like to get more involved in decisions involving town growth, consider
applying to the town Planning Board. The primary objective of the Planning Board is to develop
and maintain a continuing, cooperative planning program to benefit Waxhaw town residents.
The Planning Board hears and makes recommendations (to the Town Board of Commission-
ers) on the Comprehensive Plan, rezoning requests, major subdivision plans, co nditional use
permits, and UDO text amendments. It also makes recommendations to the Waxhaw Board of
Commissioners or other governmental agencies to ensure proper planning for the future growth
of Waxhaw and what is deemed to be in the best interest of the Town of Waxhaw.
The Planning Board meets every third Monday of the month at 6:30 PM. Meetings can last
anywhere from 15 minutes or 2 – 3 hours depending on the number of and complexity of the
projects needed to be reviewed.
Waxhaw residents with experience in real estate, surveying, engineering, land development,
project or construction management, property management and people familiar with economic
development and land use laws are desired for this Board. If you are interested, please visit
www.waxhaw.com and complete an online application to be presented to the Organization Ad-
visory Board for review.
Hopefully you will find it as rewarding as I have as well as help make valuable decisions about
and for the Town of Waxhaw.
Michael W. Kreimer
Planning Board Chairman