Waves: A Clothes Dryer 1 | Page 3

How can a dryer use waves?

Wabs waves

Researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory have recently invented a dryer that dries clothes faster while using less energy. In 2014 a report by the Natural Resources Defense Council stated that a household dryer uses more energy than a refrigerator, washing machine, and dishwasher in total, making global warming increase its; speed and wasting the money of the homeowners.

The machine uses ultrasonic waves to blast the water out of the clothes, using sound. The theory is that the ultrasound vibrates small water droplets out of a piece of fabric, forming a fine mist (Condliffe, "This Dryer Blasts Water out of clothes with sound waves"). You can see a visual of what happens above

Inside of the machine, there are small sheets of fabric that can convert the energy into high-frequency waves. as the water is being blasted out of the clothes it is turned into cold mist and collected in another part of the machine.


Pg 3 Waves (dryer edition)