We reached TAJ around 1230 Hrs, as it was November the
We also tried the famous local dish Dahi Bhalla also known as
climate was also pleasant, not as hot and humid as it is most of
Dahi wada, which is a chat Item (Chats is something which is
the time during the year. After crossing the long Queues we
usually considered as evening snack and is very tangy, spicy in
finally made our way inside. First thing we did was click
flavor). But the ones we have had before tasted better than this
photos. Our guide explained us about the structures and
one. Chats is something which probably every 1 of 2 loves to
carvings on the TAJ. The significance of the Minars , the height
eat in India, extremely popular & irresistible: P.Talking about
, the workers , the Yamuna river and a lot of things. One thing
Agra as a city, once you are done with Taj Mahal ,Agra fort,
I want to share is that if you are Indian citizens, there are long
The streets , The Sweets & The food, I guess you are done with
queues which you will have to pass through, but if a foreign
your tour. A 2 Nights stay is sufficient if you want to visit both
national then, the queues are not really that long. Also if you
Taj & Agra Fort & 1Night is also enough if visiting the Taj is
want to cover both the Agra fort and Taj Mahal together, then
only on your list. The city has hotels starting from 1 - 5 Star, so
its better to start your tour around 1000 Hrs or you may even
we can spend money as per our budget. Nearest International
have to cut down time at both the places, as it is a little difficult
Airport with good flight connectivity is of course New Delhi
to cover up both if you wish to see and know about it in
(Capital of India) & Agra also has a domestic airport. The train
station also connects major cities of India with Agra.
After our "tour", we bought the famous dessert "PETHA" ( some
Now Linking this trip to my next trip which was exactly one
may find it extremely sweet) and also some souvenirs from the
year later (On our 2nd Marriage anniversary) to Aurangabad
Govt. authorized shop. There is a restaurant in the premises
which is a city in the State of Maharashtra, which is more
which serves Indian snacks, I guess! ( Not sure as i didn't try it).
famous for its connectivity to Ajanta and Ellora Caves.
By the time we were out it was around 5.30 Pm and we were
However the reason why i have linked both these trips is
really hungry & found this restaurant near to Taj Mahal which
because of the co incidence that I had visited TAJ MAHAL on
served Indian Food but the interior was like some restaurant in
my 1st Anniversary and Bibi Ka Maqbara on my 2nd
Greece ( hope i'm getting it right). After having some good
Anniversary which draws its inspiration from TAJ (You can see
food our guide took as to a local Leather goods shop, where
it in the photos) & that was quite interesting as it wasn't
we didn't find anything interesting, as it was the same stuff
planned purposely to collect memories like that.
which is available easily at most of the shops.