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Improve by ( x %) the sustainable use and development of water resources in all countries
Element 1 : Bring freshwater withdrawals in line with sustainably available water resources .
Element 1 core indicators 1 . Change in withdrawal-to-availability ratio ( change in withdrawals as % of total actual renewable water resources , within sustainable limits ).
2 . Percentage of basins with an allocation framework ( balancing demands for all sectors , including the environment , from groundwater and surface water ).
3 . Storage capacity per capita /% of available water .
Element 2 : Restore and maintain ecosystems to provide water-related services .
Element 2 core indicators 1 . Percentage change in freshwater
Element 1 : Implement integrated approaches to water management at local , basin , and national levels , including participatory decision-making . Element 2 : Deliver all drinking water supply , sanitation , and hygiene services in a progressively affordable , accountable , and financially and environmentally sustainable manner . Element 3 : Ensure regulatory frameworks are in place for water resources , infrastructure , and services , and enhance the performance of responsible public authorities and their water operators . Element 4 : Strengthen knowledge transfer and skills development .
Element 1 core indicators 1 . Percentage of countries implementing IWRM plans .
2 . Percentage of countries with strategic planning and participatory decision-making processes .
3 . Percentage of transboundary basins and aquifers with co-operative management frameworks .
4 . Percentage of countries with national policies supporting integrated disaster risk management ( including drought and flood policies ), as part of national development plans .
5 . Proportion of communities that have implemented risk strategies .
6 . Monitoring and evaluation systems that include surveys on governance issues ( building on Rio + 20 status report ).
Element 2 core indicators
1 . Percentage of population using water and sanitation service providers registered with a regulatory authority ( disaggregate rural and urban ). ecosystem area and condition ( indicator of change in ecosystem extent and health , includes brackish ecosystems ).
2 . Threatened Species ( Red List ) Index and Living Planet Index ( for relevant flora and fauna ).
3 . Environmental water stress ( based on deviation from natural flow / availability ).
Element 3 : Increase water productivity for all uses .
Element 3 core indicators
1 . Change in agricultural GDP per agricultural withdrawals ( agricultural water productivity ).
2 . Change in industrial GDP per industrial withdrawals ( industrial water productivity ).
3 . Change in electricity production per unit of water ( energy sector water productivity ).
2 . Percentage of population in the poorest quintile whose financial expenditure on water , sanitation , and hygiene is below 3 % of national poverty line ( disaggregate rural and urban ).
3 . Ratio of annual revenue to annual expenditure on maintenance ( including operating expenditures , capital maintenance , debt servicing ).
4 . Ratio of annual expenditure on maintenance ( including operating expenditures , capital maintenance , debt servicing ) to annualised value of capital assets .
Element 3 core indicators 1 . Number of countries with regulatory frameworks and enforcement capacity .
2 . Proportion of responsible water authorities and water operators for which operational performance is measured and reported .
Element 4 core indicators
1 . Number of institutions using relevant education and training materials in local capacity building programmes .
2 . Number of capacity building networks using multidisciplinary skills of competent members to scale up capacity building and actively support implementation programmes .
3 . Number of countries with knowledge management systems in place that ensure access to the best of international and local knowledge and measure the effectiveness of capacity building services through locally developed indicators and monitoring systems .
Target B
4 . Change in withdrawals for domestic and use efficiency use per capita ( domestic water supply ).
All countries strengthen equitable , participatory , and accountable water governance
Desired outcomes / country actions
• Water allocation decisions and water withdrawals that take into account both human and environmental water needs and impacts of water use on freshwater ecosystems , ensuring sustainable withdrawals in the long term .
• Ensuring ecosystem health and capacity to be able to supply water of a sufficient amount and quality for human uses .
• Countries take actions towards increasing available supply and productivity in the main water use sectors . The productivity and efficiency indicators are used to set targets and inform decision-makers of priority intervention areas .
Target C
Desired outcomes / country actions
• Countries have an enabling environment established , which supports an integrated approach to water resources management and cohesive policies across the range of water users ( sectors ) and at different administrative levels ( regional , national , basin , local ).
• Water and sanitation are embedded within National Development Plans and budgets .
• Societies take account of risks from water-related hazards and make risk-based decisions and investments to enhance preparedness and resilience .
• Nations establish institutional frameworks to integrate water disaster management into everyday water management activities and design policies and programmes to assist communities in managing risks .
• Governments invest in strengthening drinking water supply , as well as sanitation policy and institutional arrangements to ensure that improvements in services are sustained and that inequalities in access between population groups are progressively reduced .
• Countries put in place policies and regulations that lead to a reduction in the negative impacts of pollution , starting with , but not limited to , the priority to reduce nitrogen and phosphorous pollution .
• A systematic global monitoring framework for water development , management and use established , which allows for prioritising resources and identifying key areas of importance .
10 Water Sewage & Effluent March / April 2017