The post-2015 aspirations for poverty eradication in the context of sustainable development will fail unless the proposed approach to the management of water and the provision of water-related services are adopted in all countries . It is important , too , for water to be linked to the other goals and targets selected by UN Member States .
UN-Water ’ s paper demonstrates the magnitude and urgency of the task that needs to be accomplished at the global scale . The size of the population without access to clean and safe water and sanitation is measured in billions of people . The demands for freshwater to meet growing human needs ,
Element 1 : No open defecation “ To eliminate open defecation .”
Element 1 core indicators 1 . Percentage of population practicing open defecation .
Element 2 : Basic access “ To achieve universal access to basic drinking water , sanitation and hygiene for households , schools , and health facilities .”
Element 2 core indicators 1 . Percentage of population using basic drinking water . 2 . Percentage of population using basic sanitation . 3 . Percentage of population with hand washing facilities at home .
4 . Percentage of health facilities with basic drinking water , basic sanitation , and hygiene .
5 . Percentage of primary and secondary schools that have basic drinking water , basic sanitation , and hygiene .
Element 3 : Safely managed services “ To halve the proportion of population without access at home to safely managed drinking water and sanitation services .”
Element 3 core indicators 1 . Percentage of population using a safely managed drinking water service at home .
2 . Percentage of population with basic sanitation whose excreta is safely managed .
Element 4 : Equality “ To progressively eliminate inequalities in access .”
Element 4 core indicators
1 . Data will be disaggregated by the four population groups urban / rural ; rich / poor ; slums / formal urban settlements ; disadvantaged groups / general population .
2 . The difference in rate of change for the disadvantaged groups versus the general population .
Desired outcomes / country actions
• Water allocation decisions and water withdrawals that take into account both human and governments integrate open defecation targets within strategies for
the imperative for wastewater treatment to preserve and protect water quality , and action to arrest the impact of nutrient pollution imply a major step change from ‘ business as usual ’.
The new development agenda can stimulate the urgent action that is needed to correct current trends .
The suggested water goal would promote the following outcomes , among others :
• A dedicated global goal for water ;
• Securing sustainable water for all .
Annexure : Proposed goal , detailed illustrative targets , and associated indicators
Achieve universal access to safe drinking water , sanitation and hygiene 1 2
improving child survival and nutrition and reducing extreme poverty .
• Governments adopt ambitious targets for improving WASH service levels in order to reduce global burden of WASH related diseases , to improve productivity and economic growth , and to reduce inequalities between population groups .
• Governments adopt ambitious targets in order to reduce global burden of disease from diarrhoea and other WASH related diseases , improve child and maternal health , improve nutrition , improve ( girls ) education outcomes , and reduce ( gender ) inequalities .
1 .
Full wording of target : By 2030 : To eliminate open defecation ; to achieve universal access to basic drinking water , sanitation and hygiene for households , schools and health facilities ; to halve the proportion of the population without access at home to safely managed drinking water and sanitation services ; and to progressively eliminate inequalities in access .
2 . http :// www . wssinfo . org / fileadmin / user _ upload / resources / Fact _ Sheets _ 4 _ eng . pdf provides a full list of supporting definitions and indicators .
Target A industry environment infrastructure municipalities