Water Resources Division Annual Report - Fiscal Year 2017-18 WaterResourcesAR-FY17_18 | Page 17

LEAK ALERT PROGRAM Automated water meters are now in place for most of San  Francisco’s water accounts, providing the SFPUC with hourly water consumption data and enabling us to notify customers about potential leaks. In September 2017, the SFPUC expanded the ways it notifies single- family customers with three days of constant water use to include alerts by phone, text message, and email, as well as by letter. Since starting the leak alert program in 2014, the SFPUC has notified over 11,000 single-family homes in neighborhoods throughout San  Francisco. Constant water use at these sites has ranged from 7.5 gallons per hour to over 50 gallons per hour, which left unchecked for just a few weeks can increase household water use and bills by 50 percent or more. SFPUC alerts have helped many customers fix leaks promptly, saving them significant amounts of wasted water and money on their water bills. Leaky Toilet 50% Unknown 15% Leaky Irrigation System 8% LEAK ALERTS Leaky Faucet/ Shower Head 8% Other 8% Fixture/Irrigation Left Running 7% Burst Pipe 4% In May 2018, the SFPUC surveyed about 2,100 single family customers who received leak alerts. Approximately 28% responded, most indicating that receiving the SFPUC notification was very helpful. Respondents cited toilets as the main cause of leaks. In September 2018, the SFPUC added small multi-family properties with two to five dwelling units to its leak alert program and began a pilot program to notify customers with irrigation accounts about constant water use. For more information, visit sfwater.org/homeleaks. How Much Water Could a Leak Waste in 30 Days? Water waste noted for the fixtures below is based on actual leak rates and feedback from single-family customers receiving leak alerts. Toilets can leak 17 gallons per hour, increasing water use and bills by 533%. Showerheads can leak up to 12 gallons per hour, increasing water use and bills by 377%. Irrigation systems can leak up to 38 gallons per hour, increasing water use and bills by 1,170%. Sinks can leak up to 15 gallons per hour, increasing water use and bills by 470%. 15