Water Quality Water Quality Initiatives | Page 10

Eastern Watershed Improvement Project

Lennard Square Before
What is EWIP ?
The Eastern Watershed Improvement Project ( EWIP ) is a stormwater management ( flood control ), water quality and environmental restoration project that protects residents and property within Port St . Lucie . It also enhances the City ’ s natural resources and quality of life , for current and future generations .
About the Project
Heavy flooding in eastern Port St . Lucie — particularly after Tropical Storm Fay in 2008 when 14 inches of rain fell in a 48-hour period — prompted this project . This level of rainfall exceeded the maximum capacity of the previously existing stormwater drainage system and caused flooding of streets , homes and businesses , making a clear urgent need for improvements .
The project began in 2009 after an extensive drainage study . The Eastern Watershed Improvement Project was completed in 2012 and residents are enjoying its benefits today .
The additional static storage volume added by the EWIP improvements is approximately 330 acre-feet and the dynamic volume is an additional 152 acre-feet , for a total of 482 acre-feet . EWIP benefits include reduced flooding in neighborhoods east of U . S . 1 and improved water quality . Other results included flourishing vegetation and increased wildlife activity , recreational opportunities and beautiful neighborhoods .
The project cost was proposed at $ 34 million for property acquisition , design , permitting , construction and public education . The project was financed through special revenue bonds that will be repaid by the stormwater utility fee . The stormwater bonds are expected to be paid off in 2039 . An additional $ 978,000 was provided through a grant from the St . Lucie River ’ s Issue Team and $ 1 million through a water quality grant from Florida Department of Environmental Protection .
10 Water Quality Initiatives | City of Port St . Lucie