Dave Huckabee, Chairman of the ECVA pointed out that all the trails
were marked so folks would have no trouble staying on the right
trails and roads. “This is a significant event for Elko and we’re looking forward to folks coming to see our great county,” Dave added.
Part of the Gem trail takes you to the top of Merritt where you can
see three states – the Santa Rosa Mountains in Oregon, the Owyhee
Desert in Idaho, and miles of Nevada.
Steve Thompson, Bangin’ Bones 4Wheel Drive Club and D & D Tire of
Elko, was our guide and he gave us a loop tour up Merritt Mountain
and back down through Sunflower Flats to Point of Rocks staging
area where a Dutch over dinner awaited us at the end of the day.
Price and Julie Nelson whipped up Dutch oven lasagna and enchiladas, as well as some deserts that made our mouths water. Price is
a champion oven cooker who proudly showed off his Boy Scouts of
America special Dutch oven he had won in a Scout Master cook-off.
His cooking proved his point. We all ate like cow-punc \