Wasted Trails 4x4 magazine June 2014 Vol 13 | Page 46

the Chronicles of Del Albright Ambassador: Blue Ribbon Coalition By Del & Stacie Albright The “Gem of Nevada” Trail System Opens Elko, Nevada Launches New Off-Highway Trails The sweet smell of high desert sage drifted in the air as Stacie and I wheeled our Jeep along the flower-dotted dirt road headed towards the top of Merritt Mountain in northern Nevada. Yellow sunflowers poked up to add color to a very green desert during this major event near Elko, Nevada, for the grand opening of the Gem of Nevada Trail System. You need to Explore Elko and see this trail system. For years the folks in Elko and Elko County have been working hard to make Elko the motorized recreation capital of the West. On June 2nd, 2007, the ribbon was cut and the Gem of Nevada Trail System opened officially. We were there on a media FAM tour and we can’t wait to go back and see more. Elko County is amazing in the first place. With three huge gold mines in full swing, Elko is the fourth largest gold producing area in the world. Elko County is the fourth largest (by area) county in the United States with over 17,000 square miles of fun, adventure, cattle grazing and high desert scenery. Hundreds of miles of dirt roads and trails offer the recreationist unlimited opportunity for exploring. The Elko Convention and Visitors Authority (ECVA) orchestrated this media FAM (familiarization) tour to show off their motto of “Explore Elko.” Members of the press, including Stacie and I were treated to a stay in local hotels, Basque dinner at the fabulous Star Restaurant, and tours of the Gem of Nevada Trail System. Elko is a famous Spanish Basque area where you can see the culture of an honorable and fun-loving people. The Gem trails take you through some Basque country as well. Sheep herding and cattle grazing co-existed in this area, while gold mining put Elko on the map in the late 1800’s, as well as today. The ribbon cutting ceremony was held about an hour north of town, near Wildhorse Reservoir, at Point of Rocks, near the base of Merritt Mountain. Don Newman, Executive Director for the ECVA cut the ribbon. “Elko County has a heritage of patriotism, family, hard work and recreation,” said Don, “and we’re proud to open the Gem of Nevada Trail system to encourage folks to continue to explore Elko.” 46 June 2014