Old School Rock Crawl
Brian “ College Boy” Gabriel
As Ricky Bobby would say, “I just like going FAST!” I think
we all have a little need for speed and that has shined
through in the way that motorsports has evolved. NASCAR
went from dirt circle track and virtually stock cars, to 200
MPH left turns. Offroading has followed suit, slowly but
surely. King of the Hammers is the big hype in offroad racing these days. Its intense, fast, and anything could happen
during the race that may alter the final champion. King of
the Hammers is just that, the King of Off Road Races, but a
race car of that magnitude takes a lot of experience, team
work, and finances to operate.
There is a group out there who is trying to remind the
offroad world about the roots of offroad competition. It
started out low and slow and these guys are on a mission
to return to the roots of the sport. “Rock Crawling is making a comeback!” –Captain Rob
Every year late in the spring in Delta, Utah one of the most
fun events of the year happens; the Old School Rock Crawl. About 10 years ago Miller County began working on a
new project. With influence from the community, the County agreed to