Free 1 Year Anniversary Special Edition
Probably my best friend Jennifer came almost everyday just to sit and be with me, even when I wasn’t awake, or
I was but was so doped up on meds I couldn’t even remember seeing her. You are probably the best friend I have
ever had, you’ve always been there for me and I cant thank you enough . ....
I had many friends that came to see me and I thank you very much, Rocky, Erica, Steve, and Leslie. and I’m sorry
if I forgot anyone.
I really want to thank all the Night Crawlers for coming down, you have no idea how much that meant to me.
It was so nice to see you guys! That was the first time I truely smiled when i was in ICU. I swear I cried when you
guys left. I didnt want you guys to go. ....
My mom spent every day in the hospital with me. My dad came as much as work would let him, and my sister
who came up when she did just to say hi, and I swear I couldn’t of made it with out them. I have never seen my
family so scared ever. I still cry to this day remembering everything they did for me! I love them with all my heart
and honestly I believe I wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for them. I owe my life to them, they were there to
help push me to get better.
I cherish every breath I take now, because I almost didnt have any to take. I almost died a couple times and I’m
just so glad to be alive and I really couldn’t have done it with out my family and friends. Thank you all for being
there for me through it all. ...
Crawlin For Crohns
What Is Crawlin for Crohns?
Its an Organization Justin started back in 2009 after he was diagnosed with Crohns. The sole purpose is to raise
money and awareness about Crohns Disease, and for spreading Awareness about the disease all through the
Rock Crawling. This Disease affects more people than one would think.
Justin and the other members of Team Rock Hard participate in events held by the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America. All the money that is raised through Crawlin For Crohns goes directly towards the San Francisco
Branch of the CCFA and to the research programs to help find a cure.
Justin, like many other people, does Remicade infusions every six weeks to help fight this ongoing disease.
Remicade is one form of medicine to help subdue (not cure) this disease. There is no cure, that is why it is import
to spread awareness about Crohn’s!
What is Crohns?
Crohn’s disease may affect as many as 700,000 Americans. Men and Women are equally likely to be affected, and
while the disease can occur at any age, Crohn’s is more prevalent among adolescents and young adults between
the ages of 15 and 35.
The causes of Crohn’s Disease are not well understood. Diet and stress may aggravate Crohn’s Disease, but they
do not cause ѡ