Thank Your for your Support this past Year
I remember what it was like being pushed in the hospital bed down to the cat scan room, I remember counting
the lights on the ceiling cause I really couldn’t do anything else, that cold blue hallway right before the door to
the x-ray lab, looking over to my right and seeing my mom and dad right next to me pretty much in tears, and to
left seeing the nurse and that guy that pushes the bed. We would arrive at the x-ray lab and than I would have to
be moved from my bed to the table of the cat scan machine. I was in so much pain just from the move. and once it
was all over I had to be moved back on my bed and off to my room I went. and that repeated many many times.
I was released from the hospital on the 25th of October. I still had the pick line in my arm till the day before
thanksgiving. and my mom had to pack my wound and do dressing changes on it. She also had to give me my anti
biotics through the pick line everyday.
I got a full release from the surgeon on the 2nd of December. but I am on antibiotics for a long time to treat the
bone infection. Every month I have to get my blood drawn to make sure the infection is going away. and to monitor everything.
I want to thank all my doctors!
April 2014