Wasted Trails 4x4 magazine 1st Edition | Page 16

4Wheel Drive Hardware and TransAmerican Auto Parts have graciously stepped up to be a huge part of this project . A portion of the proceeds from their Crawl to Cure Cancer t-shirt sales will be donated to the cause AND the company matches the donations they bring in throughout the year , up to $ 10,000 . The end of the year brings the t-shirt money , donations , matching 4WD Hardware Funds , and everything is donated to the American Cancer Society .
Over the last 4 years , a total of $ 58,814.80 for the American Cancer Society has been raised ! Truly the perfect way to Honor Kelly ’ s Mother , Marie and others who lost their battles to this dreaded disease . Visit www . crawltocurecancer . com for more information and ways you can help !
Kelly Young & Bear Updyke