Washington County SPCA Newsletter WINTER 2014 | Page 6

Liverpool Legends Returns in 2014 After the success of the Washington County SPCA’s first major fundraising event in 2013, the organizers decided to invite Liverpool Legends back for another show in 2014. This year all the sponsors and VIP guests were treated to the “Lava Lounge” party before the concert started. Shawna Cornelius turned the Lyon Gallery in the Community Center into a hip 3D experience. Lava lamps and period decor were only trumped by the tapestries that lined the gallery walls. With 3D glasses these tapestries helped guests get into the groove. The 2014 concert was even more successful than the previous year and we look forward to future fundraising events. Hire Experience, Get Results! 918-841-7500 Chris Hester 918-333-8700 Erin Riner Call Today for a Complimentary Market Analysis! Brenda Pierce 918-397-5555 Over 66 Years Experience Selling Bartlesville McDonald Estate Left to the WCSPCA In the fall of 2013, the WCSPCA was notified that it was the sole beneficiary of the Donna Jean McDonald estate. Dawnette Brady, Interim Director, said, “We were all overwhelmed by this news. Each year we struggle to make ends meet. Our long range financial plan involves setting gifts like this aside. The income from these gifts will provide a stable return and the ability to continue providing the services we do for Washington County.” The home of Mrs McDonald was just part of the estate. Former WCSPCA Board Member, Chris Hester says, “It 6 WASHINGTON COUNTY SPCA CHRISTMAS 2014 was truly an honor to have the opportunity to help the shelter. When I heard that the McDonald home was being donated, I felt that providing the “listing” at no cost to the shelter was just the right thing to do.” Owners and management of Chinowth & Cohen were honored to market & sell the property saving the WCSPCA any seller’s listing commission. “We knew this would greatly assist with funding for the Phase I facility under construction at the WCSPCA’s new property. This building is just a few yards away from the Bartlesville Chinowth & Cohen Realtors office,” said Hester.