Washington Business Fall 2017 | Legislative Review & Vote Record | Page 53
issue area reports | taxation
and automatic 10-year sunsets. And the current system is consistent with
the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) Tax Expenditure
Budgets and Reports Best Practices. NCSL considers Washington a leader in
transparency and accountability. Washington already has a strong program
in place.
HB 2144/HB 2165/HB 1054/SB 5025
taxation of vapor products
Failed/AWB Opposed
These bills have a number of differences, but the primary thing they have in
common is an extremely high tax on vaping products. In one case (House
Bill 2144), the tax extends to cessation product sales as well. AWB heard
from our members that these bills would greatly harm the vape shop industry.
Vape shops are retail locations, but they are also places people can go to get
personal and direct information and educate themselves about the products
they are purchasing. This is a regulated industry, with regulated products
overseen by the state Liquor and Cannabis Board (LCB). These businesses are
required to have and maintain a license, products must be labeled with safety
information and warnings, and the LCB is vested with various enforcement
powers. Only seven states and Washington, D.C., tax e-cigarettes and vape
products. Pennsylvania adopted a lower 40 percent tax during the 2016
session, and a significant number of business closures have already been
reported. These are small businesses, who are paying taxes and operating
in a regulated environment. Passing this legislation would have negatively
impacted their ability to conduct business in Washington, potentially pushing
more sales online and across state lines.
HB 1593
Corporate Identity
Jenilee Antone
[email protected]
simplifying small securities offerings
Passed/AWB Supported
Rep. Brandon Vick, R-Vancouver, brought forward a bill resulting from interim
stakeholder work which simplifies and makes more accessible small securities
offerings. The current crowdfunding law is complex and expensive for businesses
to use. This bill creates more options and should help start-up businesses get
access to capital which has the
potential to ultimately increase
employment in the state. This
additional information
type of offering can be a good
option for start-up businesses
Budget Bills and Documents:
to raise capital. AWB supported
this bill as a way to increase
Interactive Budget Reports:
access to capital and to improve
the state’s economy.
special edition 2017