2017 legislative review
Sen . Sharon Brown , R-Kennewick , majority deputy leader and vice chair of the Senate Ways and Means Committee . legislation that would help drive much needed economic opportunity into the rural areas in Washington . The goal of the Rural Jobs Act is to create and retain jobs in rural areas of Washington by incentivizing taxpayers to invest in rural growth funds with certain tax credits . It would have created a program to develop rural growth funds and creates a tax incentive for taxpayers who make a capital contribution to a rural growth fund . The bills made it through the policy committees in the House and Senate , but were ultimately held up in the fiscal committees . AWB looks forward to supporting this legislation and legislation like this , that promotes rural economic opportunity , in 2018 and beyond . in 2013 by requiring aerospace manufacturers , and Boeing specifically , to maintain a certain number of jobs in the state . AWB President Kris Johnson , along with several members representing local chambers of commerce and small businesses across the state , testified against the bill because of the harm it would have on Washington ’ s economy and to the state ’ s ability to recruit new companies . These bills , just like House Bill 2638 , proposed in 2016 , sent the wrong message ; namely , that Washington is a state that doesn ’ t keep its word . The bills were heard in the Finance Committee but did not receive a vote .
HB 1403 / SB 5515 silicone smelters / taxes
Failed / AWB Supported
Senate Bill 5515 is a great example of how targeted tax incentives can enhance Washington ’ s communities and improve the lives of its citizens . Like Substitute House Bill 2977 last year , SB 5515 , sponsored by Rep . Shelly Short , R-Addy , arose out of meetings with the governor to identify ways to recruit companies capable of creating jobs in our most rural , economically depressed communities . Washington ’ s economic recovery has largely been a Puget Sound recovery . There are many parts of the state outside of the Puget Sound where unemployment remains a significant problem . This bill would have encouraged job creation in rural Washington by providing competitive tax incentives . Manufacturing companies can become the cornerstone industries in local economies , creating opportunities for living-wage jobs . At a time when we are concerned about the growing wage gap in this state and in the nation , these types of jobs are a solution . SB 5515 made it to the Rules Committee and HB 1403 made it out of the Technology and Economic Development Committee , but stalled in Finance . AWB looks forward to supporting this bill again in 2018 .
HB 1422 / SSB 5208 rural jobs
Failed / AWB Supported
Sen . Judy Warnick , R-Moses Lake , and Rep . Brian Blake , D-Aberdeen , introduced
HB 1500 / SB 5513 tax exemption transparency
Failed / AWB Opposed
There were a number of bills focused on tax incentives this session . Tax incentives play an important role in Washington ’ s tax structure . Many tax incentives work to reduce distortions , offset disincentives , avoid pyramiding , and create a level playing field for in-state enterprises . A hearing was held on House Bill 1500 , sponsored by Rep . Gerry Pollet , D-Seattle . AWB opposed the bill for several reasons , but the overarching concern is that it would have created a rigid process that would threaten the predictability and stability of Washington ’ s tax code every two years . Washington state currently has a robust tax incentive transparency and accountability program in place . This program includes the Department of Revenue Tax Exemption Report released every four years , Citizen Commission and Joint Legislative Audit & Review Committee , and the array of provisions included in Senate Bill 5882 ( passed in 2013 ) requiring additional transparency , tax performance statements ,
50 association of washington business