WANDER magazine Spring/Summer 2021 | Page 27

avelling south on Airmont Road from the village of ound Hill on the way to East Lynn Farm , it is easy to magine how it might have looked in the years before nd after the Civil War when Loudoun County was a ultural community . The winding road is lined with s and farms , with livestock peacefully grazing in emlds beyond . Once past the Snickersville Turnpike by ast Lynn ’ s red brick farmhouse comes into view , now and breakfast and working farm producing grass-fed beef and lamb along with organic vegetables and hay . arker on the road in front of the farm stands in rememhrod Washington Lynn , Civil War soldier , state senator , er , and farmer . Lynn ’ s story was largely lost to history ory until Georgia Ravitz and her husband Peter Basser un-down property in 2009 . They began delving into its initiating a massive restoration project on the house and s . Thanks to their vision , determination , and invest-