WANDER magazine Spring/Summer 2021 | Page 26

East lynn

Restoration Opens Door to Lost History

by susan purdy

Travelling south on Airmont Road from the village of Round Hill on the way to East Lynn Farm , it is easy to imagine how it might have looked in the years before and after the Civil War when Loudoun County was a thriving agricultural community . The winding road is lined with old stone walls and farms , with livestock peacefully grazing in emerald green fields beyond . Once past the Snickersville Turnpike by a few miles , East Lynn ’ s red brick farmhouse comes into view , now an elegant bed and breakfast and working farm producing grass-fed pasture-raised beef and lamb along with organic vegetables and hay . A historical marker on the road in front of the farm stands in remembrance of Bushrod Washington Lynn , Civil War soldier , state senator , prison reformer , and farmer . Lynn ’ s story was largely lost to history and local memory until Georgia Ravitz and her husband Peter Basser acquired the run-down property in 2009 . They began delving into its history while initiating a massive restoration project on the house and farm structures . Thanks to their vision , determination , and invest-

26 wander I spring • Summer 2021