WANDER magazine Spring/Summer 2021 | Page 13

It takes a Village to care for the past

For centuries , the villages of Loudoun County have been the hub of rural and agricultural communities . Located at important crossroads and usually the site of a church , school , mill , post office or store , they were and remain the economic and social centers for their area . These historic rural villages still serve as the core of their communities , represent our long and rich history and have become a focus for tourism and the vitality of our rural economy . Filled with historic buildings , rich with history , connected by historic winding treelined roads and trails and surrounded by farms , estates , forests and streams , they embody the essential values we treasure in our rural areas .

The Loudoun Historic Village Alliance was organized in 2019 in order to give the remaining rural historic villages a stronger and more united voice in county and state government , because as Loudoun grows , our villages face a multiplicity of challenges , including increasing traffic , failing water supplies , the encroachment of modern and dense development , the demands of new residents and tourists , proposals for intrusive new public facilities , the pressure to close village schools and the needs of new rural businesses .
We hope you will enjoy learning more about our historic villages in this and future issues .
Madeline Skinner | Chair , Loudoun Historic Village Alliance
A sunny ride through the charming village streets of Unison .
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