WANDER magazine Spring/Summer 2021 | Page 12

Residents will be able to enjoy the beauty of Loudoun ’ s many streams and to hike along the historic Potomac River .
linear parks built along streams and other natural features of the county , linking together all parts of the county and most of its existing parkland into one network of natural green spaces .”
Under the county ’ s plan , these accessible trails along streams and other features will be embedded into linear parks that are wide enough to protect its natural character and provide migration paths and viable habitat for wildlife while providing attractive trails and other features to residents . The plan is to develop a system that meets local community goals while also interconnecting all of Loudoun into one larger community . Thus , various parts of the large system will be designed to appeal to the interests of specific user groups like equestrians , mountain bikers , family
groups , serious hikers , picnickers , fishermen , and so on . Some parts of the network will follow stream valleys while some , especially in rural Loudoun , may run along ridgelines or even along unpaved rural roads .
But , as Director Torpy points out , “ The ambitious program will take time to fully realize its vision . It will require a combination of careful planning , creative programs , support from community organizations , donations and proffers from property developers , and contributions from willing landowners .”
To implement this ambitious program , the County Parks and Rec Department , along with its Parks , Recreation and Open Space Advisory Committee , is taking a series of significant steps including engaging the public , interested groups and neighborhoods in discussions about the desired features of such a county-wide network , fleshing out goals and characteristics desired by different groups and communities and surfacing questions and issues . They have also contracted with an experienced consultant to develop a detailed plan for the proposed network of parks and trails and established an advisory subcommittee of interested stakeholders from a variety of groups to oversee the plans and progress of the consultant and the LPAT program .
Meanwhile the Parks and Rec staff is continuing to vigorously pursue attractive trail and park opportunities as they arise in new development applications and among HOAs and other property owners .
This is an ambitious program . Some elements of this large system may be created and linked together with existing trails and parks in the next two or three years ; other sections and linkages will take longer . Some landowners and HOA ’ s may take a while before they see the network growing and understand the value of connecting their own trails to the larger county network . So while some sections may be completed soon , it may be a decade or even longer before Loudoun can realize all the goals it has set out .
But , as it grows and flourishes , Loudoun ’ s system of linked parks and trails will become a premier asset of the county , will combine the comfortable suburban living of Loudoun with easy access to authentic natural experiences , and will fulfil the desires and dreams of its many residents .
As one of Loudoun ’ s Supervisors said when the program was approved : “ We ’ ll get this done , and I think 20 years from now people are going to look back and say , ‘ man , those people were really smart back then in 2019 .’”
Mitch Diamond is a retired businessman and active preservationist who lives with his wife and multiple horses , cows , donkeys , dogs and a goat on a historic farm near the old Quaker village of Unison in rural Loudoun County .
12 wander I spring • Summer 2021