Waldensian Review No 135 Winter 2019 | Page 3

College for his ‘year abroad’, Sophie Lageneck, daughter of two pastors, and Nicola Tedoldi, local Methodist preacher. Synod spent five days debating and com- ing to important decisions on a whole range of issues such as various diaconal projects in which the church is engaged, ecumenical dialogue, theological education and the training of min- isters, relationships with the Italian State and the upkeep of our buildings throughout Italy. The one subject which seemed to dominate the debate, though, was the need for the exten- sion to the rest of Europe of the Project of the Italian Protestant Churches ‘Humanitarian Cor- ridors’ which provides safe flights and practical support for refugees and migrants arriving in Italy. The ordinands: from left The seven-year mandate for the Moderator Marco Casci, Sophie of the Tavola valdese, Eugenio Bernardini, had Lageneck, Nicola Tedoldi come to an end and for the first time the del- with the preacher, egates elected a Methodist, Alessandra Trotta. Erica Sfredda. Alessandra is a lay woman who comes with vast experience of church life and a range of gifts and graces that will equip her well for the challenges that lie ahead. May we continue to keep her and our Italian friends in our prayers. Richard Grocott (full version in Summer) VENICE: The Waldensian church needs your help! The terrible floods that affected the whole of Venice several times in November have damaged the church building, furniture, books ... You can send money to our Mission (specifying Venice) or look on the website for details. 3