Waldensian Review No 135 Winter 2019 | Page 2

SYNOD 2019 It was a great pleasure to return to Italy for the annual, national Synod of the Italian Methodist and Waldensian churches which took place on 25–30 August at Torre Pellice, in the ‘Waldensian Valleys’ above Turin. I attended as both a representative of the Methodist Conference and of the Waldensian Church Mission. I was returning to the country where I had served as a Mission Partner 1993–2004 and was delighted to meet up with many old friends whom I had known in the two appointments I had served in Rome and Padua/Vicenza. I was one of around 20 foreign guests representing sister churches from all over the world. We were welcomed by the Moderator Eugenio Bernardini and then were introduced one by one to the whole of Synod in the session which followed. In the opening service held by lay preacher Erica Sfredda, three young Pastors, two Waldensian and one Methodist, were ordained at the ‘Tempio’ in Torre: Marco Casci, who was in Cambridge at Westminster WALDENSIAN CALENDARS 2020 January and August in the Valleys. Once again very beautiful views of the Waldensian Valleys. PLEASE order online: www.waldensian.org or send a cheque for £12.95 (payable to Waldensian Church Mission) to: Milvia Walker, 19 Forest Approach, Woodford Green IG8 9BW. Sorry, increase in postage and low pound, BUT you can get two for £24! 2