Waldensian Review 142 Summer 2023 WR_142 | Page 14

wife and I were with him at the Venerable English College for the annual commemoration of the English Martyrs ( the Jesuit priests who came from there to England in the time of Elizabeth I ).
He returned from Rome to lead the Chaplaincy at Fisher House in Cambridge until his death .
In the Hall on 19 September 2015 , from left : M . Langham , K . Howcroft , E . Scroppo , D . Cornick , R . Williams .
In 2015 there was a Waldensian ‘ Awayday ’ in Cambridge . One discussion sprang from the recent historic moment in Turin when Pope Francis came to a Waldensian Church and asked for forgiveness for what Catholics had done to Waldensians in the past ; and Alessandra Trotta , now the Moderator of the united Waldensian-Methodist Churches in Italy , prayed over him . The question was whether corporate repentance and forgiveness for historic events is possible . Mark was one of the panel of Speakers , along with the Rt Revd Prof . Rowan Williams , former Archbishop of Canterbury , the Revd David Cornick , a United Reformed Church minister who was then General Secretary of Churches Together in England , and myself .
Mark is sorely missed . I thank God for him . May he rest in peace and rise again in glory .
Rev . Ken Howcroft