Waldensian Review 142 Summer 2023 WR_142 | Page 13

Notes 1 . The Annual Report of the the Italian Evangelical Publication Society ( Società per le publicazioni evangeliche in Italia – OPEI ) ( 1871 ). Florence : Claudiana . 2 . Quoted in ‘ G . Solari ’, from A . Deodato ( 1983 ). Vicende di un colportore nella Sicilia di fine ’ 800 . Supplemento al Bolletino della Società di Studi Valdesi 152 . 3 . ATV Angelo Castioni , agosto 1878 – luglio 1879 .
G . Solari ( 1997 ). Produzione e circolazione del libro evangelico nell ’ Italia del secondo ottocento : La casa editrice Claudiana e i circuiti popolari della stampa religiosa . ( Studi e testi ). Manziana : Vecchiarelli . ISBN : 9788885317972
P . Stephens ( 2015 ). The Waldensian Story , 2nd edn . Florence : Claudiana . ISBN : 9788868980696
Nicky Raddon
Monsignor Mark Langham ( 1960 – 2021 ) An Ecumenical Friend
Mark Langham ’ s death in January 2021 is a continuing sadness for Waldensians and Methodists , among many others . He was a wonderful person : modest , kind , generous , a good cook and unstinting host , and with a shrewd and unmalicious sense of humour . He was also a warm-hearted Roman Catholic priest . He welcomed my wife and me to Rome when we went there in order for me to set up an office for the world-wide family of Methodist churches supporting and developing Methodist links to the Vatican and institutions of other churches ; and at the same time to serve the Methodist Church in Italy and its Waldensian partners as the pastor of Ponte Sant ’ Angelo Methodist Church . He became not just a colleague but a good friend .
Mark was in Rome at that time as a senior official in the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity in the Vatican . His particular responsibilities were for relations with Anglicans and Methodists and for co-ordinating the Roman Catholic contribution to the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity .
Mark was loved by people of all traditions who knew or encountered him . The fact that they could have the same view of him from their different perspectives is a tribute to who and what he was . He proved that being a good Catholic did not preclude being a good and understanding friend to Anglicans , Methodists and others , including Waldensians . While we were both in Rome , a ceremony was held to dedicate a plaque on the outside wall of Ponte Sant ’ Angelo Methodist Church to the Waldensian preacher and New Testament scholar Giovan Luigi Pascale , who was martyred on that site in 1560 . Mark asked me if it would be all right for him to attend . He slipped out of his office nearby and joined us unobtrusively . He made no fuss , but the gesture was noticed and appreciated . Then , just a few weeks later , my