AWAYDAY 2022 ( in person and on zoom )
Wesley Church Cambridge Saturday 5 November 10.30 am ( for 11 ) to 1 pm
Our Patron Leslie Griffiths will tell us the amazing things he is been up to in the last few months , including receiving an Honorary DLitt from the University of Wales presented by the Prince of Wales .
Albert de Lange will talk to us from Germany about Henri Arnaud , without whom I doubt we would still have the Waldensian Valleys ( as such ) and the Waldensian Church .
Erica Scroppo will talk about Jacopo Lombardini , Methodist teacher and preacher who took refuge in the Waldensian Valleys when persecuted by the Fascists in his native Carrara and inspired a generation of students from Collegio valdese and other youngsters , to fight against the Nazis . Lombardini , who escaped with the young partisans on the peaks of Val d ’ Angrogna but never carried a weapon , apart from his Bible , was the only Methodist preacher to be executed at Mauthausen .
Stunning colour photos taken by drone ; Bible verses also in English ; available from beginning of October . Please order online at www . waldensian . org . uk or send a cheque for £ 18 ( payable to Waldensian Church Mission ) to Erica Newbury 85 St Andrew ’ s Road Cambridge CB4 1DH . Order two for £ 30 ! ( One for you , one for a friend !)