Dear Friends and Supporters ,
From the Editor
Thank you once again for your interest and help with prayers , feedback , purchases and DONATIONS ! Please keep up the good work and look at < www . waldensian . org . uk > and on Facebook The Waldensian Church Mission for further news and updates !
I have received a sweet letter from Margaret Gleave . Along with her generous contribution she added a memory of when we first met at Wesley Church , Cambridge a long while ago . She was wearing a Huguenot cross and I ‘ bounced up to her ’ asking if she was of Huguenot descent … Ever since , she writes , the ‘ Waldensians have been a favourite concern of mine ’ and she hopes to be able to visit the Valleys one day !
A lovely letter from Mark Collins unfortunately told me also of the demise of George Dunn , aged 101 ! Sheila and George Dunn were members of our Committee for a long time and incredibly good friends of the Waldensians most of their lives . If you have any memories of them please do let me know ! The Synod , opening on 21 August in Torre Pellice will be a special one , an ‘ Assemblea-Sinodo ’ because of the presence of representatives of the Baptist Churches . I hope to be there and to gather news and take pictures . ‘ Our ’ student at Queen ’ s Foundation , Birmingham , Kassim Conteh is now in the process of writing his final dissertation . Please keep him in your prayers ! In the Winter issue you ’ ll learn about what he ’ ll be doing next . He has also managed to organise a trip to Italy with a group of fellow students from Queen ’ s , visiting Rome
Chanforan visit . and the Waldensian Valleys !
At our AWAYDAY in Barnet ( October 2021 ) Richard Grocott , who was the representative of the Methodist Church of GB and of our Committee at the online Synod 2021 , after Kassim Conteh ’ s talk and before reporting on Synod , added a fascinating personal story . I ’ ve known him since his Roman days but even I didn ’ t know all the details !
Cover photo : Kassim Conteh meets Paddington Bear !