W-E Schools District Focus November, 2013 | Page 9

The Royalview Teachers graciously volunteered their time last month to organize, create, practice and present a fantastic talent show and raffle to raise over $1300 for the levy fund! Well over 300 spectators, which included Board members, parents, students and community members, came to support the school and its teachers. Mr. Steve Thompson was the Master of Ceremonies and introduced each act. Faculty and staff involved in the talent show included:  Mr. Bard  Mrs. Michalski  Mr. Bender  Mrs. Parsons  Mrs. Buckley  Mrs. Peters  Mrs. Cox  Mr. Rascan  Mrs. Floran  Mrs. Rayl  Mrs. Geiger  Ms. Stancombe  Mrs. Kiggins  Mrs. Swaffield  Mrs. Kothera  Mrs. Trincia  Mrs. Kozak  Mr. VanArnhem  Mrs. Langer  Mrs. VonSeggern  Mrs. Lieberg  Ms. Zappola  Mrs. McKito Short videos from the talent show can be found on You Tube for your viewing pleasure:  Opening Act: http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=_A16otknz-g  Optical Illusion: http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=XoVmjCSqvSc  Thriller: http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=_JtINHP748c  Take me out to the ball game: http:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhpA8vnwaDs I am thankful for ... “...a wonderful loving family. My two children amaze me every day, and my wife shows me how much she cares for me and my children every minute of every day.” “I am thankful that I get the privilege of spending 180 days with wonderful teachers, students, and administrators. I love everything about the building I get to go to everyday. I am thankful that I wake up and smile about the career I have chosen and not for one second do I question the decision made so long ago…” Dan Phillips, Social Studies Teacher- Willowick Middle School