Hindsight Insight & Foresight
Hindsight Insight & Foresight
Written by Ms . Shyleswari-PCC , LHEP Yesterday a 50 plus man came into my office seeking my coaching expertise . His challenge .. Decision-making ! A retired GM , now seemed lost , “ My daughter is in love with another person from a different religion , I feel like a tsunami has hit me , it is so sudden and I feel unprepared ”, he said . After listening , he slowly opened up , he shared how his children have scant regard for him , he has given his entire earning to his wife , educated his children now both are IT professionals earning well , yet they do not support him financially or otherwise . As we delved deeper and deeper a few aspects became clear , the expectation that a Father always provides . He still has physical , intellect , intelligence and contacts all in good shape so why can ’ t he work in another avatar ? were his children ’ s affront He on the other hand considered himself a poet , a philosopher and philanthropist . All very well , very well they said , but you can work ! Caught in a quagmire because he expected a lot from those he helped , he was blaming his family , friends and others in his life , he resented their success and was guilty of his resentment too . Now a disregarded Dad , an ignored man , a person who felt his dreams were merely coloured pink , losing his convictions and self-belief . His eyes turned moist as he spoke When we explored options , he realized he still had friends and contacts who could offer him a job , his need to value himself before he valued others , and rebuilding core relationships . After the action plan and resolve , he left . I was ruminating , how life is all about Hindsight , Insight and we as Coaches can bring into focus a Foresight .. Do not hesitate to experiment You will never know until you try . If your decisions are governed by fear , you will pass by some great opportunities and miss pursuing your dreams . And that ’ s no way to live .. Unless you put yourself out there , you will never know . And failure ? You might or more importantly you might not . Decisions can be terrifying … or exciting . It is your call . As coaches , we can point out that your decisions today will determine who you can become tomorrow . Therefore , start thinking … start moving … and pursue what you think you can do , the rest will follow . After all , dreams become true one decision at a time .
Therefore , start thinking , start moving and pursue what you think you can do , the rest will follow . After all , dreams become true one decision at a time .