Volunteer Essentials 2014-15 | Page 75

Helping girls decide what they want to do, and coaching them as they earn and manage money to pursue their goals, is an integral part of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE). Your Girl Scout group plans and finances its own activities, with your guidance. At t he same time, the girls learn many valuable skills that serve them throughout their lives. Girl Scout groups are funded by a share of money earned through council-sponsored product sale activities (such as Girl Scout cookie activities), group money-earning activities (council-approved, of course), and any dues your group may charge. (This is in addition to the $15 annual membership dues that go to GSUSA.) This chapter gives you the ins and outs of establishing a group account and helping girls manage their group’s finances, practice successful product-sales techniques, review the safety requirements around product sales, and understand how to collaborate with sponsors and causes. If your group is earning and spending money, the group needs to set up a bank account. If you’re taking over an existing group, you may inherit a checking account, but with a new group, you’ll want to open a new account. This usually happens when there is money to deposit, such as group dues or money from product sales or group money-earning activities. Consider these tips when working with a group account:     Keep group funds in the bank before an activity or trip, paying for as many items as possible in advance of your departure. Use debit cards during the activity or trip. Make one person responsible for group funds and for keeping a daily account of expenditures. Have one or more back-up people who also have debit cards, in case the main card is lost. Follow your council’s financial policies and procedures for setting up an account. Most council-sponsored product sale activities have specific banking and tracking procedures. Unused Girl Scout money left in accounts when groups disband becomes the property of the service unit. Prior to disbanding, the group may decide to donate any unused funds to a worthwhile organization, to another group, or for girl activities. As when closing a personal account, be sure all checks and other debits have cleared the account before you close it, and realize that you may have to close the account in person. Turn remaining funds over to a council staff member. Refer to the Appendix: GSWPA Procedures/Forms for the following:     Bank Account Procedure-page 165 Debit Cards Procedure-page 168 ACH Electronic Debit/Credit Authorization Form-page 167 Disbanding Troops and Dividing Troops Procedure-page 169 71