Volunteer Essentials 2014-15 | Page 183

Multiple Pathway Cookie Sale Designation Form Instructions: Please complete and submit to GSWPA, 612 Locust Street, Johnstown, PA 15901, Attn: Pathway Cookie Sales or email to [email protected] by the established initial cookie order due date. Please make sure that all GSWPA groups are listed as GSWPA will not be able to add additional groups once the form has been processed. Girl Scout: Parent/Guardian: Address Street City Phone-Day Girl Scout Email Address (if 13 or older): State Zip Evening Parent/Guardian Email Address: The GSWPA groups/troops Girl Scout participates in: Group/Troop # _______________ Group/Troop # _______________ Group/Troop # _______________ Group/Troop # _______________ Please note: Cookie sales will be credited to each GSWPA group that the Girl Scout participates in equally as stated in #2 of the Multiple Pathway Cookie Sale Procedure. For example: If a Girl Scout is in a troop and joins a travel club, her cookie sales will be split 50/50 between the two groups. Booth sales are credited to the group sponsoring the booth. Initial Cookie Order: Donated Boxes ___________ Savannah Smiles ___________ Trefoils ___________ Do-Si-Dos ___________ Rah Rah Raisins ___________ Samoas ___________ Tagalongs ___________ Thin Mints ___________ Totals ___________ Girl Scout Signature Date Parent/Guardian Signature Date 179