Volunteer Essentials 2014-15 | Page 159

ADDITIONAL INSURANCE REQUEST FORM INSTRUCTIONS: Review the Additional Activity Insurance Procedure.  Complete an Additional Insurance Request Form – one (1) per event.  Include a check payable to GSWPA and submit eight (8) weeks prior to event to your membership manager. If this is for a trip or high-risk activity: Mail with your Trip and High-Risk Activity Application.  A minimum payment of $5 is required on all additional insurance requests. DO NOT send cash.  If submitting more than one request, they can be combined to a single $5 payment. FORM SUBMITTED BY (Please print) Name: Address Street City Phone State Zip Email ADULT IN CHARGE OF ACTIVITY (if different from adult submitting) Name Address Street City State Phone Zip Email DESCRIPTION OF EVENT/ACTIVITY Event Name/Description: Location Name Address Street City State Zip Beginning Date Ending Date Event Duration (number of days) (Each portion of a day is counted as a full day) Number of registered Girl Scouts attending: (Extended Event (3E) Insurance is required for registered Girl Scouts when activity lasts longer than 2 overnights) Number of non-members attending: any activity.) (Insurance is required for all non-members participating in COMPLETE THE CHART BELOW FOR THE TYPES(S) OF INSURANCE COVERAGE NEEDED–See example below and review the Additional Activity Insurance Procedure for descriptions of the different plans. PLAN Number of Participants Example 15 Number of Days Number of participants X Premium Number of days each day 2 30 @.11 2 Participant @.11 3E Extended Event @.29 3P Extended Event Primary @.70 3P-I International Extended Event @$1.17 155 TOTAL DUE (Minimum $5) $3.30 ($5)